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Common Expressions

Dutch Phrases for Goodnight

Common Expressions

Saying goodnight in Dutch can be done in a variety of ways, with some of the most common phrases including:


This is the most formal and traditional way to say goodnight, and is commonly used in professional settings or when addressing someone older or respected.

Slaap lekker

This is a more informal way to say goodnight, and is typically used among friends and family. It literally translates to "sleep well".

Doe de groeten aan de maan

This is a playful phrase that means "say hello to the moon". It is often used when children are going to bed.

Other Phrases

There are also a number of other phrases that can be used to say goodnight in Dutch, including:

  • Goede nacht
  • Tot morgen
  • Slaap zacht
  • Zoete dromen


Saying goodnight in Dutch is a simple and straightforward task, with a variety of phrases to choose from depending on the situation. Whether you are using a formal or informal expression, make sure to say it with a warm and sincere tone to convey your best wishes for a restful night's sleep.
